Sunday, October 19, 2014

"7 Deadly Sins" series: No Such Thing As Laziness (Sloth) 1/7

I will be writing a group of seven posts, which will be part of a "7 Deadly Sins" series.  Today is the first installment: Sloth.


I had a very productive day.  I cooked four recipes for the week, and penned a bit of a song.  I washed all my dishes and cleaned the stove.  I took out the trash.  I have been perfectly responsible.

It wasn't always this way.  For many years, getting me to wash the dishes was like pulling teeth.  And cooking?  Forget about it.  I would sit in front of my computer for hours on end, rather aimlessly.  I'd only write a song about once a month.  I always felt strained when my mother would ask me to help around the house.

As I was doing my tasks today, I realized that I have recovered so much from my mental illness.  Who was I two years ago?  Who was I, for all those years before then?  Why did I have such a limited capacity for, dare I say, responsibility?  For years, I believed I was lazy and stupid.  I beat myself up for not doing "enough."  But now, after the medicine Clozapine and immense utilization of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques, I can putter around the house without batting an eye.  I actually find joy in washing dishes and cleaning and cooking.  It is a relaxing activity that counters professional work during the week.

Having been on both sides, I now believe that no one is lazy.  "Laziness" is a condition that occurs when someone is too mentally tired to accomplish a task.  No one should be judged for being mentally tired.  Instead, encouragement and support should be offered.  Or at the very least, empathy and compassion.

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